We see him hold his binoculars, peering at the enemy. He planed well and showed it on the way he handles the attack. He carefully placed the army units for battle. These military units are covered in camouflage to match the environment that they lay in. Then, he strikes calling the units to “fire at will.” Later, when he fights in another battle, his soldiers are having trouble crossing the river. Thus, he personally meets them at the water and tells them that they should not have any problems since he already cleared out any enemy units.
The ways he plans his attacks, the methods of battle, his persuasive voice, and his decisive tactics made General Patton a vital part to the battles we seen in the film so far. He showed nationalism and pride for United States. We see his personality to war and life. Patton holds a unique ability to speak using profanity in his speeches to put down the enemies and raise the morale of his country. During a normal conversation with some of his soldiers, he seemed to sprinkle phrases into what he was saying to describe what he was thinking. He spoke so easily and used those words in such a way that it just seemed natural for him to talk that way. His accent also shows a strong personality with the way he talked and spoke in speeches. It comes to no surprise why he was given so many medals that we saw in the beginning of the movie. His tactics shown helped show his character in the film.