Queen of the Damned is basically the story of the origin of vampires. All vampires
originated from a single vampire, Akasha, and she became known as the queen. The
queen and her king, Enkil the first vampire she ever created, sit atop their throne in a
comatose state. They are so powerful that they no longer need to feed on the blood of
humans. In this story Lestat, who is hated and hunted by his fellow vampires for telling
humans he is a vampire, awakens the queen by biting her neck The queen then goes on a
killing spree, destroying all vampires she comes across.
The queen cuts a path straight to Lestat who she then abducts. The only vampires
that are spared by Akasha are but the one?s that Lestat and the eldest vampires who she
cannot kill with her mind. Many of the vampires who were spared band together and
decide to fight the queen. It isn?t until this point that we discover why the queen has
abducted Lestat and killed hundreds of vampires. Akasha believes that the vampire blood
has been tainted over time and that only women should be blessed with this power, and
that the human women should rule the men.
To add yet another twist to the story the queen is in love with Lestat and has
chosen him to be her dark prince, as well as her personal assassin. She then proceeds to
slaughter the male population on several islands as well as those vampires she comes
across, with the help of Lestat who is too scared of her to disobey. Meanwhile the band
of surviving vampires are planning a way to destroy the queen and end her path of death
and destruction.
Eventually the queen and the rebel vampires meet up and the rebels attempt to
reason with her for they fear she cannot be defeated in battle. Lestat then switches sides
and Akasha is so distraught that one of the rebel vampires is able to rip her head off.