Teamwork In Business Essay, Research Paper
In any large business organisation, teamwork is the ultimate key to the organistions success
The issue of teamwork in successful business organisations is a complex one. There are many factors that influence success in business. Teamwork is an important and necessary factor but, not the only one.
In the first place, I believe that organisations have a philsophy and set of shared values that determine the nature, design and content of their products and services. Badly designed products that do not satisfy customers needs, desires and ambition will simply not sell. For example, German cars (Mercedes, BMW, Golf, etc) are better designed than British cars (Mini, Rover, etc).
In the second place,
On one hand, teamwork is fundamental
On the other hand
In conclusion, the issue of teamwork in successful business organisations is is a complex one. There are many factors that influence success in business.