, Research Paper
A Eulogy to O-lan
What is loyalty? Loyalty by definition means being
constant and faithful in any relation or obligation
implying trust of confidence. The type of people who
are loyal are those showing selflessness towards others.
Being loyal does not mean turning one?s back on others when
in trouble or need. The loyal and dedicated wife, O-lan,
retained this selfless quality throughout her lifetime with
Wang Lung.
There were countless times with Wang Lung in which O-lan
demonstrated loyalty. For instance, she helped Wang Lung
in the fields before ha had hired workers to do it for him.
Also, when she was in the fields with Wang Lung, O-lan
left to go to the house to have her baby, and a short while
later, she was back in the fields again. O-lan was also a
loyal wife to Wang Lung. When Wang Lung was arrogant
enough to get a second wife, O-lan did not leave him or
hold a grudge against him for doing so. Along with being a
loyal worker and wife, O-lan was a loyal caretaker. She
cleaned, cooked, and gave birth to sons for Wang Lung
without complaining.
Loyalty means being faithful to one in any circumstances
and the selfless O-lan showed this bold and honorable
quality throughout her lifetime. There were numerous
instances in which O-lan exhibited loyalty. She helped
Wang Lung in the fields even in extreme situations. When
Wang Lung got a second wife, she did not hold a grudge
against him or leave him. All in all, loyalty is
heart-felt devotion, and O-lan was a prime example of a
loyal human being throughout her life.