Essay Essay, Research Paper
Summary of limitations and opportunities
After reviewing the current operating system, the following limitations of the
company have been discovered:
The contracts that are sent to the subcontractors are not accurate or timely enough to maintain the quality of work that is expected to help the business succeed.
The current computer system is insufficient and is not providing the ability to have the company perform its best.
The insufficient data flow structure is leading to confusion and miscommunication between employees.
The passive attitude of customer service follow up is not adequately helping to promote customer retention and referrals.
The contracts that are sent to the subcontractors should include the requirements that they are responsible for regarding warranty coverage. This should help to reduce the poor quality of work that is currently being presented.
The new system that we are planning to build will help with the daily data maintenance and company operations. The slow and incorrect responses, which are presently being caused by the scrap paper communication method, will be improved since the information can accurately be transferred to the corresponding person or parties. This new system should also help to reduce the number of complaints tremendously.
The new system will provide a better data flow structure for the company, which can assure that everyone in the company will receive the data that he/she needs. This will eliminate unneccessary confusions.
If CBI can actively contact all of their customers before they complain, it would fascinate the customers by the apparent friendly relationship and the professional image.