Achieving the Model Society (Colonies and their Goals)
Many historical cultures are remembered for the successful way of life they achieved over time. Many of them achieved their success by creating goals and a vision and eventually fulfilling them. In America in the seventeenth century, the Northern and Southern Colonies were successful because of the goals that they set out to achieve. The Northern Colonies and the Southern Colonies both accomplished their vision of becoming a model society.
The Northern Colonies had noble goals and aspirations. For example, one of their goals was to develop a sin-free religious colony based on order in everyday life, and free from all errors. They wanted to get rid of all religious beliefs and practices that were not based on the Bible. Since they wanted to be a model society, they tried to hold high morals for themselves and to live their religion more like a lifestyle. Another one of their goals was to become a more educated and tightly-knit community. They wanted to be intelligent and they encouraged people to be able to read the Bible as well as learn to write. They desired to become a literate society to help with their goal of becoming a model society. The Northern Colonies goals of having a religious and literate society were noble.
The Northern Colonies succeeded in fulfilling their goals. They succeeded in their goal of creating a religious and godly society. They held religion as highly important, and the priests and churches of the Northern Colonies were very powerful. They followed the Bible and their high moral values, which helped them become a model society. They also achieved their goal of becoming a more educated and tight-knit community. They became a literate society, insisting on public education and having many schools, where the children were taught to read the Bible and to write. They encouraged large families and godly relationships between all, and had close communities. The Northern Colonies achieved their goal of becoming a model society.
The Southern Colonies also came with noble goals and aspirations. For example, one of their goals was to have rich land and good agriculture in order to make money. They wanted lots of open space for farming, big houses, cash crops, and lots of money. They desired to achieve a good economic structure in order to be a model society. Another one of their goals was to have strong communities where everyone worked hard and worked together. They learned to combine agriculture and commerce, and the farmers and plantation owners worked together with the traders and with others. They became a model society in the way that they worked together to maintain a good economy where people worked one for another. The Southern Colonies goals of being an agriculturally rich and socially harmonious society were noble.
The Southern Colonies succeeded in fulfilling their goals. For example, they succeeded in their goal of making money by having good agriculture and rich crops. Their economy was based on agriculture and many people became rich from it. They were a model society in their superb agriculturally-based economy. They also achieved their goal of having communities where everyone worked hard and worked together. They created a harmony between the traders, the plantation owners, the farmers, and the rest of the townspeople. Their hard work and the way they worked together for the benefit of all made them a model society. The Southern Colonies achieved their goal of becoming a model society.
Both the Northern and Southern Colonies were able to set goals and were able to accomplish many of them. The Northern Colonies set goals for a religious colony and the Southern Colonies set goals for a successful agricultural economy. In the Seventeenth century, The Northern and the Southern Colonies vision of becoming a model society was accomplished.