What Success Means To Me
Being successful can be looked upon in many different ways, such as being rich, having nice car, good job, or anything to make someone else jealous of what you have. Being successful to me means you accomplished what your goal or goals were.
I want to be a successful person by accomplishing the goals I have set for myself in life. By doing that it won?t make me rich or famous, but to my family and friends it will. In my mind that?s all it takes to be successful in life.
So many people in the world only look at success in two ways fame and money. Fame and money will only get you so far in life others you have to earn or deserve it. If you are a rich person and a famous person, and everything in your life you earned or deserved then you are a successful person.
Goals equal success, by achieving your goals you can be a successful person. I believe that success in the reach in the hands of all who try to achieve it.