Sex In The Media!!!!
The use of sexual attraction in advertising is very vivid among our everyday society. Advertising
today has become so complex, that women and men stretch out and try to attain these unattainable goals.
Some advocates for women say that these kinds of images objectify women, and are dangerous because
they promote unrealistic body images and risky behavior that force women to question their self-worth.
In the ad Vestimenta, it is portraying a young slim black lady, wearing a long red leather coat.
Now, in our everyday society, people do not look like this. This is the definition of an unattainable goal.
When someone sees this advertisement, automatically think to themselves, ?If this looks good on them,
then this will look good on me.? Well, this is a lie within itself. If you are a big girl, you are not going to
look like the young black lady being portrayed in the advertisement. It seems like women learn that
everything depends on how they look and that the idealized images they see are literally impossible for a
human woman to achieve. When you finally realize that you do not look like the advertisement, it can be
depressing. Henceforth, this persuades you to try and lose weight. If this is gone by an unhealthy way, it
can be detrimental to your health.
There are also several other different types of ways that advertisers use sex to sell a product.
Sometimes, the average eye does not even detect that sex is being involved.
In the computer advertisement Panel Link Digital, a computer is elegantly standing on a stool with
a beautiful lady smiling at you on the screen. Now, when we turn on our computer screens at home, do we
expect this lady to pop up and greet herself to us? No, we do not, but when we do see this advertisement, it
does catch our eye, and the advertisement becomes more appealing, which in turn makes us look at what
product is being portrayed.
The advertisement C, money and the backside of a beautiful yet tacky girl in a bikini
laying on the tropical blue beaches of the Caribbean. What is basically being portrayed here, is the life of
gambling on-line, is the same as the atmosphere around the Caribbean casinos. Step out on the front porch
of your hotel and feel the fresh air of the morning wind hit you in the face. This is not what happens to you
when you click upon this website.
The advertisement Martex, a sheet and towels product, portrays a beautiful young lady lying on a
heap of pillows, smiling at your face like you are her husband and she has been waiting for you to come
home all day. In my mind, this is the worst of all advertisements. I do have to admit though, when I go to
the store and need some towels, I think of the advertisement with this lady in it. She is not going to be
there when I put these sheets on my bed, but she seems to be there at the moment of purchase.
Sex being portrayed throughout advertising had become one of the hottest yet most unethical
trends in the media today. When advertisers show these ads to the average everyday citizen, it makes them
wonder what they would look like with this product, or is this the benefit from this product. These types of
advertisements can be unhealthy and detrimental to your health if taken about the wrong way.