Etbh Essay, Research Paper
When we were young,I just knew I would find you.I might not of known you,But I knew what you were feeling.The day we met I knew it was you,The one in my dreams.When I think of you I know my prayers have been answerd.All now that I can hope for is that you will always love me.And when the day comes that we shall part,and leave one another…. Just think tomorrow we will meet again. Sometimes I feel,That this might be the end.But you always reasure me and say that this is only the begining. You say that you love me,But sometmes I wonder.Like when you say the things you do.I love you and even though I get confussed,I know that you love me. And I will never let you forget this…We have made it this far,we are here till the end! ________________________________