Form Of Government? Essay, Research Paper
The articles of confederation were a somewhat effective form of
governmnt for the newly founded united states. It was ineffective in many
ways but it did however provide for successfull distrubution of newly
accouired lands that are still in use today..
One of the main reasons the Articles of Confederation were ineffective
was because for congress to pass any bill it had to have a unamoius vote.
This was nearly impossible due to bickering amoung the states.
The Articles of Confederation also did not effectivly provide
representation of each of the states. Each state was alotted on erepresentatie
for congress. This method did not acccuratly represent the United States
population, larger states were being under represented.
The Articles of confederation did not also provide for a national army.
This caused amny problems.. The newly founded United States could not
remove British troups from American soil. The British refused to leave the
posts in america dispite many requests and letters such a John Jay?s(Doc
D). Each state did however have it?s own militia, but these militia?s wre
empathatic to the american causes.The articles of confederation did not also provide for a national money
sysytem. Each colony had it?s own money. Trading between colonies was
very difficult because of this. Trading with foriegn countries was even more
difficult, foriegn merchants had trouble accepting the colonies money and in
deciding wich colony to trade with.
Another major flaw in the Articles of Confederation was that they did
not allow the national government to tax. For the government to recieve
and funds it had to ask the state governments to donante money to the
national level. The state governments however, did not always give the
amount requested by the national government. This left the congress unable
to repay the soilders who fought during the revolutiom (Doc. C)
The articles of confederation did however effectivly set up a system
for alotting new lands to the government. This system is still in effect to this
In conclusion the Articles of Confederation were a mostly faulty form
of government but they did however have some good points. They were
adopted by a fearful country and did not effectivly govern.
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