Political ideology, Webster?s defines it as integrated assertions, theories and aims, that constitute a sociopolitical program (Webster, 2000). In essence, an ideology is a set of beliefs about economical, political, social and cultural issues. These beliefs together form a plan for a productive and beneficial political system. This paper will focus on the ideology of liberalism and its influence of the political issue of equal opportunity employment. We begin with a history and explanation of liberalism.
Liberalism puts the individual and their place in society in the forefront. This is to say that each person is unique, and possesses specific talents and abilities, and therefore each person has a critical part in the community. To interfere with this natural process of self-advancement, causes the degradation and weakening of society. The seeds of liberalism can be traced back to the writings of the 17th century British philosopher John Locke, the father of classic liberalism. Locke having witnessed the anarchy of English civil war, and the excessive use of power by both Charles the 1st and Cornwall, set out to find a workable medium. He sought to increase the power of the people by limiting the power of the government. He believed that everyone is born with certain inalienable and universal rights that need to be protected. The government should be built with these rights as a foundation, thus restricting the government; and to make the government accountable to the people he proposed a constitution and elections. This turned the government from leading by coercion to leading by consent. The ideas of Locke were crucial influences on the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Looking ahead to today, the modern liberals still oppose legislation that restricts personal freedoms and growth, but liberalism is now taking on a different approach. Instead of considering the expansion of government as a burden, it is looked to as an aid and they have now learned to use the government to help further their cause. The goal of liberalism is a system where everyone is allowed to develop without restrictions, but societal problems such as economic hardships and prejudices hinder the individuals? development. With this in mind, the modern liberals seek to improve the conditions of society through economic and social reforms. To summarize, liberalism is an approach at a better society through the development and advancement of its citizens, giving power to the populous, and representation by consent not coercion.
Equal Opportunity Employment is a definite liberalistic policy. The policy eliminates the barriers of race, gender, national origin or disability from the job market. This is a very good way to provide the promise of equality, given to us all by the decree of the Declaration of Independence.
This then gives each individual an equal starting point for development, which goes along with the intent of modern liberalism to use the power of the government to help improve social conditions, as well as promoting equality, another value of liberalism. Liberalism also promotes tolerance of diverse lifestyles; the EOE provides protection so that the diversity is not penalized. The Equal Opportunity Employment policy is clearly liberalistic in its intent to help ease the interferences to personal growth and development as well as instilling faith that in each individual there lies the potential for greatness.
Liberalism, the belief in the common good of humanity. The pursuit of individual freedoms and development, to therefore add to the common good. The values of liberalism are rooted in the ideals of equality, individualism and diversity. In today?s’ world the ideals of tolerance and acceptance are invaluable, not just for peace but for prosperity as well.
?Ethridge, Marcus E. Handelman, Howard. Politics in a Changing World. New York: St. Martin?s Press, 1998
?Freeden, Michael. The New Liberalism: An Ideology of Social Reform. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.
?Hoover, Kenneth. Ideology and Political Life. Fort Worth: Harcout College Publishers, 2001
?Locke, John An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Peter H. Nidditch, ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
?U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Comission: http://www.eeoc.gov/policy/