Is greyhound racing right or wrong? Greyhound racing benefits our economy, job market, wealth, and pleasure. There are adoption agencies, protection laws, the American Greyhound Council, and the National Greyhound Association, all protecting these animals. So is greyhound racing righteous?
In recent years, animal rights activists have challenged society’s right to use animals for human benefit. They believe that using animals to make money is not admirable. The discussion has evolved into a debate between two fundamentally opposing views.
Animal rights supporters reject all animal use. Although opponents of Greyhound racing claim their position is based on animal welfare, these groups oppose any use of animals for any purpose, because they see animals as equal to humans in all major respects. Animal rights groups do not acknowledge legitimate animal welfare programs like the American Greyhound Council’s because, in their view, animal welfare reforms simply make animal use more acceptable to the public.
?The bible, on many occasions, says that man was given “dominion” over the animals. What is meant by “dominion” is the ability to impose our will. We do indeed rule over all animals, as we are the most powerful species on the planet. This however, does not mean it is okay to abuse this power, through animal abuse, and other wicked acts. God, without a doubt, wants us to show mercy for animals? (Giron).
Are we imposing our will by promoting greyhound racing even though greyhounds love to race by nature? Are greyhounds that race for a living happy or sad? Greyhounds were first introduced to America in the 1800’s to help farmers control the jackrabbit population. It was not long after when the development of greyhound racing competitions were started and conducted by the surrounding farmers. This proved to be both an exciting event for the local population but also proved that the greyhound loved the chase and excitement of racing. From this humble start, we now have greyhound racing as we know it today. People who are for greyhound racing would condone asseting the economy since racing this is not forced against the animals.
People involved in greyhound racing today say that animal right activists say the things they do because of the past. Greyhound racing has come a long way and has now revamped their reputation. Owners and trainers of today will tell you that their dogs are like kids. Now, trainers and owners find themselves teaching their greyhounds to do tricks and even play Frisbee.
All though owners and trainers claim to love the animals, they are in this type of business to make a living. If a dog is in a position to be put to sleep, then that?s the decision they have to make, right or wrong.
Greyhound Racing has come a long way. In 1987, The American Greyhound Council was formed. This s a nonprofit organization created for the purpose of providing for the welfare of the racing greyhound and for the betterment of the greyhound racing industry. Three members of the American Greyhound Council come from the National Greyhound Association and three come from the American Greyhound Track Owners Association. The American Greyhound Council is funded by a small deduction from purses for each race and matching funds from participating tracks. The same observation on the effects of declining track revenues on the American Greyhound Track Owners Association also applies to the American Greyhound Council.
The American Greyhound Council funds the 800 adoption referral telephone number commonly associated with GPA, a greyhound farm inspection program, veterinary symposiums, and a direct grant program to adoption groups administered by the American Greyhound Track Owners Association, among other activities.
The economic impact of Greyhound racing is significant. If the entire American population decided that greyhound racing was ethically wrong and that we should shut down all the race tracks in this country, more than 100,000 people would be in line at an unemployment agency. In 1995, revenues were estimated at about $608 million. As a nation, greyhound racing generates approximately $192 million in tax revenues annually, and contributes more than $10 million per year to various charities and community causes (Isle). New Hampshire alone relies on 1.2 million a year from our racetracks.
Like all sports, there are accidents. All greyhound tracks have a veterinarian right there at all times. At the time of an accident, if a greyhound is hurt, the trainer must make the decision of whether a dog is in too much pain and should be put down or patched up to take home. I?d like to think that good decisions are always made, but as we know, humans do not always make the right decision.
The big question still is, is it right? Should that greyhound be in that situation to begin with? Many people say yes, and many no.
As a part of our culture, this sacrifice is worth it. As a part of mortality, it is not. Regardless, we have allowed this sport to be a part of American tradition, desire, economic impact, and society whether it is right or wrong, we have adopted it and allowed it to effect us.