Braveheart Essay, Research Paper
Braveheart The movie Braveheart is based on the control of England over Scotland. England in that time was ruled by Longshanks who made it a very powerful country because the government very rich. The English would go around and kill harmless Scots and by mistake they killed William Wallace’s girlfriend. After this happened William Wallace wanted freedom. He was sick of being controlled by Scotland. So William Wallace got an army together of Scottish nobles and started to take over England. The English were very surprised since they were never defeated on there own land and even more surprised when they took over York. The Scottish were usually not very materialist people, but because they wanted to be free they would do anything. William Wallace was a very amazing person because he believed that with his army, out numbered 3:1, could take over England. In the end William Wallace was tricked and was tortured and beheaded by the English, but later Scotland became a free county all because of William Wallace. Braveheart was not an unusual movie. Most historic movies are usually written about a war or about a love story and Braveheart had them both. The movie on the most part was historically accurate and very good in my point of view.