Fidel Castro, who seized power of Cuba in 1959 mainly because of
?The Cuban Revolution,? is still in control after 41 years.
Castro was born Fidel Castro Ruz in Oriente Province, Cuba. 1)
Graduating from the University of Havana, Fidel has a Doctor of Laws
degree. 14) On July 26, 1953, he tried to start a revolution against the
Batista government by attacking the Moncada Army Barricks. Castro?s
attack with about 170 young followers failed. 4) Castro who was captured
and sentenced to 15 years in prison, awaited his release. Castro was
released in 1955 and went into exile in Mexico.
2) Castro then organized the 26th of July Movement , training a
small rebel force near Mexico City. December 1, 1956 , he invaded Cuba
with about 80 rebels. Many were killed and the survivors fled into the
Sierra Maestra Mountains. 1) Supporting Castro?s movement, the group
grew with surrounding country people. 1) Hiding in the mountains,
Castro?s group waged guerrilla warfare. Batista fled from Cuba on
January 1, 1959 and Castro became head of the government.
Castro?s government seized property owned by Americans, other
foreigners, and wealthy Cubans. 3)Stopped buying sugar, the United
States finally ended all relations with Cuba. 1) Declaring himself a
communist, Castro turned to Russia for economic and military aid.
2)Castro built a strong military force, defeating a ban of Cuban exiles at
the Bay of Pigs. Under Castro?s rule he has provided improved education,
housing, and health facilities in Cuba. Castro?s Cuban economy is still
lagging, despite the economic aid from Russia.