Baseball Essay, Research Paper
Robinson, Jackie
first black baseball player in the U.S. major leagues during the 20th century, an infielder
and outfielder for the Brooklyn Dodgers of the National League from 1947 through 1956.
He was elected to…
Blacks in baseball
from baseball
In 1884 two brothers, Welday and Moses Walker, played for Toledo, Ohio, in the
American Association, becoming the first black players to compete at the major league
level. Black acceptance in…
Rickey, Branch (Wesley)
American professional baseball executive who devised the farm system of training
ballplayers (1919) and hired the first black players in organized baseball in the 20th
century (1945).
Chandler, Happy
U.S. senator (1939-45), governor of Kentucky (1935-39, 1955-59), and controversial
commissioner of American baseball (1945-51).