The Revolutionary War Essay, Research Paper
The Revolutionary War was an enormous part of American
history. The revolution in Russia, that sparked the
overthrow of communism, was a huge part of Russian
history. The revolution of Christianity from the concepts of
Greek gods was also a large part of religious history.
Christianity and Greek gods have many comparisons,
contrasts, and these contrasts resulted in Christianity being
revolutionary. The concepts of Christianity and the religious
concepts of the Greek gods are comparatively alike. To
begin, in both religions, humans believe that there are
speakers for their God/gods. Gods do not speak to mere
mortals. These people are the priests who teach of the
gods№ ways and wants. Some are fortune tellers or
prophets, as they were called in Greek times, that foretell
the future. For example, Tiriesias, in the plays Oedipus the
King and Antigone, was a blind prophet who could see the
future and foretell it to people. In Greek times the prophets
were of high social status. Also, the people believe that
their God or gods are above all human ranks. They believe
a god is above all and listens to people when they need
help. This is why humans pray to the God/gods for
forgiveness. The two religious views also believe that the
God/gods are watching over their followers. The God/gods
decide either before or after a person№s life on earth where
the person will live in the afterlife, depending on the
person№s values. Both believe one would either go to a bad
place, called Hell or Hades, or a good place, called heaven
or the Elysian Fields. Likewise both believe in an afterlife
that is eternally chosen. The ideas of the followers of
Christianity and Greek religions are also very different. To
begin, Christians believe in one almighty God. This is also
known as monotheism. Christians believe this God gave the
world his only son. When that son was put to death by a
human, He told the people He would die to forgive their
sins. This shows that God and His son were both caring
and forgiving beings. They are respected by the followers
of Christianity. God helps humans. Humans pray to this
God for help and forgiveness. People also go to church to
learn about their religion and to pay their respects to God.
The church is thought to be God№s house. This is why
people get dressed up and try to look nice when they are
guests in God№s house. God and Jesus are thought to live in
heaven. Greeks, however, are very different from
Christians. They believe in many gods. This is also known
as polytheism. These gods are mean and torture the
humans for doing wrong. In the play Antigone, the leader
speaks, іMust, King and quickly too. The gods, provoked,
never wait to mow men down.І1 This quote proves how
quick tempered the gods are. These same gods destine a
human№s fate. Fate is also determined usually by a family
curse. As in Antigone, the Greek tragedy, Antigone states,
іWhat more do you think could Zeus require of us to load
the curse that№s on the House of Oedipus?І2 This quote
shows how Zeus, a Greek god, has determined Antigone’s
fate by the curse that has been placed on her family. A
human№s fate is foretold and is kept by the oracles.
Oedipus№ oracle states that he would kill his father and
marry his mother. This oracle comes true even though many
people of the city of Thebes do not know that Oedipus is
Jocasta and Liaus№ son because they ordered their son to
be put to death. People of Greek times do not attend
church; they are told of their futures by prophets or by
other family members. They do, however, also try to please
the gods so that they are not punished. The Greek gods are
thought to live above the Greek citizens on a mountain
named Olympus. Christianity was considered revolutionary
by many. Revolutionary is defined as: іhaving the nature of,
characterized by, tending toward, and causing a revolution,
or drastic change.І3 Christianity was a major change in
beliefs causing many to think it was wrong. The evolution of
Christianity was hampered by the beliefs of the people and
their familiarity with the ways of the Greeks. This was such
a giant change, many did not like it. Thus, although
Christianity may seem similar to the concepts of the Greek
gods it has many distinct differences. These differences
explain why Christianity can be considered revolutionary.