MS Power Point Essay, Research Paper
Reflection on MS Power Point
The Microsoft Power Point presentation that we just completed was a fun project.
I learned how to set up Power Point slides while infiltrating animation and sound.
I feel that animation and sound in these slides are beneficial, especially for younger
individuals, for maintaining the interest in the topic you are presenting.
In my opinion, Power Point would be better for a fifth grade level, which is the age
that I want to teach, than hyperstudio, because it is reasonably simple to use but is still
geared more to adults unlike hyperstudio which is geared more toward a younger
A Power Point project in the 5th grade classroom would help students learn to
create a creative presentation while also increasing their communication skills, because
they would be presenting their project to the class.
Overall, Power Point is a simplistic project to use, and the possibilities for
creativity are endless. Power Point would be useful in many situations such as class
lectures, business presentations and student presentations.