Much like its neighbor Jupiter, the sixth planet from the sun has a rocky
core and a gaseous surface. But Saturn is chiefly known for its intricate
series of rings that encircle it. The mile-thick rings are made of countless
orbiting ice particles, from less than an inch to several feet in size.
Up close, it's clear that Saturn has more rings than we can count.
But though you can't see all of them from Earth, you can spot three of them with
a good telescope,.
The two outermost rings are separated by a dark band called the Cassini
Division, named for the astronomer who discovered it in 1675. The Cassini
division isn't empty, but it has less material in it. The middle ring is the
brightest, and just inside it is a fuzzy one that can be difficult to spot.
Saturn has 18 known satellites, made mostly of ice and rock. The largest,
Titan, orbits Saturn every 16 days and is visible through a good-sized amateur
telescope. Titan, which is larger than the planet Mercury, has a thick
atmosphere that obscures its surface. Though researchers aren't sure how many
moons Saturn has, the total is likely at least 20, and may be much higher.
Historical notes
When Galileo Galilei first studied Saturn in the early 1600s, he thought
it was an object with three parts. Not knowing he was seeing a planet with
rings, the stumped astronomer entered a small drawing -- a symbol with one
large circle and two smaller ones -- in his notebook, as a noun in a sentence
describing his discovery. Debate raged for more than 40 years about these
"ears," until Christiaan Huygens proposed that they were rings.
Giovanni Domenico Cassini later discovered a gap between the rings, which
gained his name, and he also proposed that the rings were not solid objects,
but rather made of small particles.
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