Is hand gun control bad orgood for Ukraine?
Do you find it strange that the countrieswith the highest amounts of gun control also have some of the highest crimerates, while countries with a high amount of guns and few control laws have lowcrime rates?
Youcannot legislate guns away from criminals. By their very nature, criminals willget guns if they want them. The ideathat criminals need guns to commit crimes is absurd. Guns are «the great equalizer»because criminals aren't willing to fight fair. Gun control only empowerscriminals and abets violent crimes including murder.
Ukrainianpeople have tried to control firearms, cold steel, gun and other different kinds of weapon for manyyears. Ukraineis faced with a growing problem of violence. Streets have become a battlefieldwhere the people can be beaten for a couple grivnes,where women can be brutally attacked and raped. We cannot ignore the damagethat these criminals are doing to our society, and strong actions must be takento stop this from happening. I suppose that the government must look at theproblem of reducing crime in Ukrainerealistically, and develop laws that would be effective. I think, gun controllaws are neither realistic, nor effective in reducing crime.
Nevertheless,hand gun control is a good idea for our country. Though an increase in crime isnot so high as in United States of America, forexample. In conclusion, I want to write, that I believe, that our governmentwill try to do their best to reduce the crime level and the quality of theweapon…