Financial Law
Report “The Tax Law”
Student: Julia Efimova
Academy supervisors: Ekaterina
Vladimirovna Bagreeva
Per Oyvind Berg-Knutsen
Moscow 2006
Among economic instruments, by means of which the state influences market economy, taxes play the important role. In conditions of market economy any state widely uses a tax policy as the certain regulator of influence on the negative phenomena of the market. Taxes, as well as all tax system, are the powerful tool of management of economy in conditions of the market.
The use of the taxes is one of the economical methods of government and maintenance of interconnection of the interests of the State with individual persons, commercial organizations forms of ownership and organizational - the legal form of the enterprise. By means of taxes mutual relations of businessmen, the enterprises of all forms of ownership with the state and local budgets, with banks, and also with the higher organizations are defined.
Taxes play the most important role of the state revenue. In 2002 the taxes made up 81,21% Budgetary system of the Russian Federation http://budgetrf.nsu.ru/budget/Publications/2002/Adoption/Federal/Npd/Budgetlaws/Budget/194fz30122001/194fz30122001_short.htm of the profitable part of the federal budget.
Tax law is the codified system of financial laws that describes government levies (taxes) on economic transactions. The tax law represents a branch of legal system of the Russian Federation which regulates public relations in the sphere of the taxation, which means the relations in connection with the realization of taxation and other obligatory payments, the organization and functioning of the system of tax regulation and the tax control over the all levels of the government and local self-government.
Legislation on taxes and charges consists of the Tax Code, federal and regional laws, local regulative acts. Tax laws which had been adopted before the Tax Code came into force are valid in the part not conflicting with the Tax Code.
Conesco Press. Russian Taxation http://www.conseco.ru/eng/
A comprehensive Tax Code has been progressively introduced since 1999 and is now largely implemented. The Tax Code is the main legislative tax act which consists of two parts. The first part includes general definitions, lists rights and duties of taxpayers and tax authorities, sets forms and methods of tax control, establishes liability for tax offences, and so on. The second part of the Tax Code consists of chapters covering individual taxes - VAT (Value Added Tax), tax on profit and others. Orders, instructions, guidelines of the Ministry for taxes and charges are mandatory only for the tax bodies and do not relate to tax legislative acts. Only instructions on the order of filling in tax returns are mandatory for taxpayers. The current tax structure was introduced in 1992 and follows the federal nature of Russia in that the various republics and regions that comprise the Russian Federation have c ertain rights as regards levying taxes. Taxes may be viewed as follows:
Federal: Applied in the whole of the Russian Federation, at uniform rates. Examples of this category are: Value Added Tax (20%) Conesco Press. Russian Taxation http://www.conseco.ru/eng/ , customs duty, income tax from physical persons, enterprise profit tax.
Regional: Applied in the whole of the Russian Federation, but the entire tax rate, or the locally collected portion, is determined regionally. Collection of the tax is split between the amounts allocated regionally, or to the centre. An example of this category is corporate Profits Tax (currently, the federal component is 6.5 percent, with additional regional components of 13.5 - 17.5 percent) Russia Tax Overview http://www.kpmg.ru/russian/supl/library/taxlegal/Tax%20Overview.pdf .
Local Taxes: established by the local or regional authority and has only local force. Collection is entirely local. An example of this category is a Land Tax.
Date of enforcement
Federal laws introducing amendments to the Tax Code that establish new taxes and charges, regional and local acts of tax legislation introducing new taxes (charges) take effect not earlier than January 1 of the year following the year of their adoption and not earlier than one month after their official publication.
Other legislative acts on taxes and charges come to force not earlier than upon expiry of one month after the date of their official publication and not earlier than first day of the next tax period set for the specific tax.
Legislative acts on taxes (except charges) also take effect not earlier than the first day of the next respective tax period.
Elements of taxation
According to the Article 17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation “General Conditions of Imposition of Taxes and Fees” ,
“1. A tax shall only be considered as imposed if the taxpayers and the elements of taxation are defined, namely,”
· Object of Taxation (Art. 38 of the Tax Code)
· Tax Base (Art. 53 of the Tax Code)
· Tax Period (Art. 55 of the Tax Code)
· Tax Rates (Art. 53 of the Tax Code)
· Procedure of Tax Assessment (Art. 52 of the Tax Code)
· Deadlines and Procedure for Paying Taxes and Fees (Art. 57, 58 of the Tax Code)
“2. In tax imposition, a legislative act on taxes and dues may also provide if necessary tax benefits and grounds for using them by the taxpayer.
3. In imposing fees, their payers and elements of taxation shall be defined relative to particular fees.“Tax Code of the Russian Federation http://www.garweb.ru/project/mns/en/law/garweb_law/10800200/10800200-001.htm
4.1 Court Proceeding in a tax offence case
If upon a tax audit the tax body took a decision on holding the taxpayer liable for committing the tax offence (in the form of a ruling to hold the taxpayer liable), then:
· Before filing a claim to the court the tax body must offer the taxpayer to pay the amount of tax due and sanctions on a voluntary basis
· In case the taxpayer refuses to pay the tax due and sanctions on a voluntary basis, the tax body files a claim to the court on collecting them
· A claim on collecting the tax due and sanctions from an organization or an individual entrepreneur is filed to the arbitration court, or to the court of general jurisdiction if such are to be collected from a natural person.
· A claim may be filed within the term of six moths starting from the date when the tax offence was discovered and the act of tax audit was drawn up
Interpretation of unremovable doubts
In accordance with Article 3 of the Tax Code, all unremovable doubts, contradictions and ambiguities of legislative acts relevant to taxes and/or charges shall be interpreted in favor of taxpayers.
In the tax system, proceeding from the Federal device of Russia, the rights and the responsibilities of corresponding levels of management (Federal and territorial) in the tax law are differentiated. Introduction of local taxes and tax collections as an addition to the list of the operating Federal taxes, stipulated by the legislation, has allowed to take into consideration various local needs and kinds of incomes for local budgets. Nevertheless the Tax Law has quite a lot of disadvantages, such as complexity, a plenty of various privileges etc., which do not stimulate economic growth.
1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation http://www.garweb.ru/project/mns/en/law/garweb_law/10800200/10800200-001.htm
2. Russia Tax Overview http://www.kpmg.ru/russian/supl/library/taxlegal/Tax%20Overview.pdf
3. Conesco Press. Russian Taxation http://www.conseco.ru/eng/
4. Budgetary system of the Russian Federation http://budgetrf.nsu.ru/budget/Publications/2002/Adoption/Federal/Npd/Budgetlaws/Budget/194fz30122001/194fz30122001_short.htm
5. Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org
6. Финансовое право. Учебник для вузов. Л.Г. Вострикова. М. Изд. «Юстицинформ» 2005г.
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